Lately a few of our students having found themselves in the following situation – they’ve been having tutoring sessions for a while but their marks are still the same. Consistently average marks. So what can be done to make a change and improve the marks?
Perhaps its because that despite the tutoring, it is the style of preparation, the way that the assessment is being approached or the exam technique that remains the same. Besides knowing the content better, the style of preparation hasn’t changed – therefore no change in marks.
So, what can we do about it?
Well, according to Albert Einstein, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.This means we must try something different than what we were doing before in order to improve your marks.
Some quick things that might help change your preparation style:
- Are you getting feedback on the sample essays that you are writing? Its one thing to write them but unless you are getting constructive feedback how do you know how you are tracking?
- Have you seen as many different questions as possible? Look at as many past papers and alternate text books as possible. You don’t need to necessarily complete them all but exposure will mean you have confidence in the next exam.
- Are you working hard but not smart? Are you spending lots of time doing a passive task when you should be doing something active? Rather than read your notes, actually engage with them. You can check out some of our other features that run through different methods.
So next time you are preparing, try something new and see how it makes a change!