Our team is well experienced allowing them to effectively tutor High School Students
Our tutors appreciate the dedication and support that high school students require and are ready and willing to assist
Experienced High School Tutors Sydney
The transition from primary school to high school can be daunting and then entering senior years is another challenge that high school students presents.
Our tutors have an awareness of each of these transitions and have the skills needed to guide and assist students both with content and overall mentoring. We tutor in High School English and Maths and other subjects too. We travel to your home for private tutoring in Inner West Sydney and Surrounds.

With a number of tutors that have a diverse range of knowledge we are able to assist with the following:
– Mathematics: Revising content and preparing for assessments
–English: Understanding the text covered in class, working on comprehension skills and analytical writing skills
–HSIE: Unpacking the different topics covered in Geography, History, Commerce, Art, Music and PDHPE
–Science: Reviewing class material and preparing for assignments
–Overall guidance, support and mentoring as out tutors teach study skills, best practice for organising notes and offer advice keep students motivated

Each of our tutors have completed their preliminary studies and after growing from their experience, they are able to provide tutoring across the following subjects :
Standard, Advanced and Extension English | General Mathematics, Mathematics & Mathematics Extension | Business Studies Legal Studies | Biology/Chemistry/Physics | Drama/Music |
Plus much more!
– Prepare for assessments including reviewing the rubric and syllabus
-Review class content & work ahead
-Assist with study notes and best methods for studying

Extending from the assistance provided with the preliminary courses, our tutors can assist across:
Standard, Advanced and Extension English | General Mathematics, Mathematics & Mathematics Extension | Business Studies Legal Studies | Biology/Chemistry/Physics | Drama/Music
Plus much more!
-Prepare for Trial HSC exams
-Provide understanding and guidance about class assessments, weighting and scaling
-Revise class content, move ahead and work on areas of difficulty
“Learning is about the journey, not the destination”